The Wedding Crasher Who Won Wedding Bingo

Wedding Bingo cards from test run

Update: Wedding Bingo is now available!

One of the great things about having multiple sisters getting married is that I have lots of beta testers.  The inaugural test run of Wedding Bingo took place at my sister Kelly’s wedding.  She’s the one who inspired it all.  It was a great chance to get some feedback that I’ve incorporated into the final product  and see how people played the game.

Wedding Bingo only has a few rules, but one of them is that you’re supposed to let things happen naturally.  No calling the police to get that square, ok?!  The Happy Couple would never forgive me!  Well, it turns out that in this first game, a wedding crasher (of sorts) actually won the game by crashing the wedding.  

Let me back up.  You see, my sister Lauren and I both live far away from our hometown so every time we are in town we try to see as many people as possible.  For her, that always includes seeing her in-laws.  They are awesome, fun people and are always welcome at our family events, so even though they weren’t technically invited to the wedding in advance they came with the full support of the bride.  

Near the end of the reception, Lauren’s father-in-law realized that he had crashed the wedding - which was the last square he needed for the win!  He also got the “Flask sighting” square because he brought his own.  Since he couldn’t have known those things would be on his card and they happened naturally, he didn’t violate any rules. 

So that is how a wedding crasher won the very first round of Wedding Bingo.

This story first appeared on the Littlehammer Games email list. For more behind-the-scenes stories like this and to be the first to know when games are available, sign up for the list here.


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