Signature cocktails have been a fun wedding idea for years now with drinks like the Mint To Be Mojito. There is even a Wedding Bingo square for it! For the bride planning a nerdy wedding, the signature cocktail provides the perfect opportunity to work the theme into the details.
Some themes provide ready-made cocktail ideas. A Harry Potter wedding is calling for butterbeer or pumpkin juice. And what would a Star Trek wedding be without some Romulan Ale? Well, it would be like the one my husband and I had because I didn’t think of this in time, but I digress.
You can start brainstorming your signature drink in a few ways. Does your theme include a specific beverage like Harry Potter or Star Trek? If so, you could find or create a recipe to mimic that drink or even just apply the name to something you were already planning to serve. For example, you could make Romulan Ale labels or a sign for the beer you were planning to serve.
Do you or your fiancé already have a favorite drink? You could name it after anything from your theme. Think about the color, ingredients, or overall appearance. Does that suggest anything from your theme? If not, you could name it after anything from your theme. Think character names, memorable elements, noteworthy scenes, etc.
What is your favorite thing from your theme? Name a drink after that. Does it suggest a type of drink in either color or ingredients? If you’re having a Doctor Who wedding and your favorite thing is his sonic screwdriver, try shaking up a traditional screwdriver recipe with an additional ingredient (maybe pineapple juice?) to make it “sonic.”
I’ve been collecting nerdy themed cocktail ideas on Pinterest. You’ll also find boards for all sorts of theme wedding ideas including Star Trek, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Doctor Who, comic book, Disney, Lego, and video games. Don’t see your theme represented? Send me an email at Jennifer@littlehammergames.com and let me know. I’d love to help you brainstorm ideas for your nerdy wedding!